The NFL Goes Sportsish
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It’s the most wonderful time of the year for so many reasons. Trader Joes has released its fall treats, sweater weather is among us, and, well, our favorite men are back in football uniforms. It also means that our significant others are preoccupied with their new part-time jobs- “managing” their fantasy football teams. This year, we’ve decided we want in on the fun, but of course, we’ve made it sports…ish.
With rumors swirling of Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce’s possible romance going around, we thought we’d have some fun making a Swifties Fantasy League, and what better way to celebrate than NFL X Taylor Swift stickers?! Here’s to making this fall ours and sticking these stickers all over our significant other’s things.
To download, right-click the sticker and say “save image as.” Then, you can use these stickers however you want! Here is some of our favorite sticker paper to get the full effect!