Who We Are:

At Sportsish, we're not your average sports rundown. 

We're all about the touchdowns and goals, sure, but we're also diving headfirst into all the fun 'ish' that makes sports gossip-worthy.

From breaking news to exclusive podcast interviews, we're your go-to source for sports excitement with a feminine twist.

Through engaging content across various platforms, including social media, newsletters, and podcasts, Sportsish offers a fresh and vibrant take on sports, appealing to a diverse audience.

How It Started:

Sportsish emerged from a desire to reshape the landscape of sports media. Inspired by our founder's childhood immersed in the game and fueled by a passion for storytelling. As our founder, Lily Shimbashi pursued her dreams into the world of sports reporting, an epiphany struck one evening while tracking stats for an NBA team: mainstream sports media lacked diversity and inclusivity.

Thus, Sportsish was born, a community aiming to bridge the gap between sports and pop culture, fashion, and authentic women's coverage. With a commitment to making sports accessible and enjoyable for all, our team embarked on a mission to redefine sports fandom.

Today, Sportsish stands as a testament to our vision—a vibrant community where sports are anything but traditional, and inclusivity takes the cake.

Meet Our CEO:

Residing in vibrant New York City with her husband and two children, Lily, our visionary CEO, brings a wealth of experience to Sportsish. With a background in broadcast journalism, she recognized a glaring gap in the sports media landscape and set out to fill it. Fueled by a passion for inclusivity and a desire to challenge norms, Lily founded Sportsish. Through her leadership, Sportsish has become a thriving community of innovation, offering a fresh perspective on sports and pop culture.