Closing Ceremony Bingo
The Paris Olympics have been nothing short of iconic, incredible, and inspiring. With the Olympic Closing Ceremony right around the corner, we’re preparing to say, “I had the time of my life, with you” to Paris 2024. Whether it was Snoop Dogg’s perfect appearances, Hoda Kotb being the Olympic cheerleader we all needed, or the countless (and I mean countless) tender, hilarious, and moving moments, the Paris Olympics are exactly what the world needed.
Sunday, August 11th is the perfect day to throw a Sportsish party and watch the Closing Ceremony. What better way to keep track of the athletes and the ish that are sure to ensure than playing bingo with your friends or family?
We combined some of our favorite moments from the Paris Games and paired them with the historic traditions of the closing of the games to make you the perfect Bingo card. Whether you’re playing solo or with a crowd, this Bingo card and the Closing Ceremony will definitely entertain.